Wednesday, September 30, 2009

6 months old!

Jack is 6 months old today! I'm working on a special thing for the blog but it's going to take a few days. I did want to give a quick up-date though (with pictures).

As of today Jack has been seizure free for 2 weeks. Today we had a repeat EEG and an appointment with the neurologist. To sum it up, Jack's EEG looks totally normal! 100% better! I can not tell you how relieved I am.

The doctor is very pleased with his progress. We have 5 weeks to wean him off of the meds. We are going to reduce them slowly and watch him closely. Then after he's off the meds we still have to watch him close for a long time. But considering how awful these seizures are and can be, Jack is doing amazingly well. And so far, he's doing the best anyone with this could possibly be doing.

We're not sleeping. Any of us. Jack wants to nurse every 2 hours around the clock. I swear that I got more sleep when he was a newborn. My dad has been bringing over food, which has been great. And my friend Beth made us a meal too. It's difficult to cook when you're operating on so little sleep.

So, Jack is doing great. And we'll survive the lack of sleep. And my plumbing issues. I've had 3 clogged ducts since we left the hospital. It's crazy.

If you do any research on-line about what Jack has, it's super scary. (SO DON'T DO IT) And developmentally he's doing great. Anytime I get wrapped up in worry about how this could effect him in the long run I look at him and focus on how perfect he is. There is no point in worrying about something that hasn't even happened and something that the doctor doesn't think will happen.

Jack is trying so hard to crawl. He gets up on all 4's and lunges forward. It's frightening. He also started eating solids and is doing okay with it. The first things we tried he didn't like. He didn't like avocado, green beans were good the 1st time but not since, and sweet potatos. He did finally like butternut squash and pears. And tonight he gobbled everything down that I fed him, that was a first. Next is peas and carrots.

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