Thursday, September 3, 2009

A crazy week

This week has been awful.

It started last Thursday morning. I woke up with my right boob really hurting. I stumbled into Jack's room and fed him, boob still really hurt. After putting him back to bed I discovered a blister on my nipple that was filled with milk. Yes, apparently nursing mom's can get milk blisters. Thank God for google because I didn't know what the crap was going on and I kind of freaked out a little. I also had a clogged duct. So I spent several days shoving a heating thing down my shirt, massaging my broken boob, and taking super hot showers to get the thing unclogged.

Friday Jack had his dr's appt and got his shots but we didn't see his regular doctor. I asked the pedi what anti-biotics I could take while breast feeding just in case it turned into mastitis and I needed something, that way Shawn (my brother) could call something in for me over the weekend. She told me that any of them were fine, which I knew was a load of crap. She said a few other things that rubbed me the wrong way too, we won't be seeing her again.

I was really weak all weekend. I could barley pick Jack up and if anything would touch the right side of my body I would cringe in pain. Well, a week later and all of that is still the same.

I had an appointment with the nurse practitioner at the OB's office for my yearly on Tuesday so I mentioned everything to her. She couldn't find a clogged duct, so at some point I had managed to get it unclogged. But they why was I still in so much pain? Oh, did I mention that I had some cracking and bleeding after the blister was gone? That really helped with the pain issue. Anyways, she thought it was mastitis even though I didn't have the fever. I had enough of the other symptoms and my breast was a bit red too.

So here I am, more that 48 hours on anti-biotics and pro-biotics and still in massive amounts of pain. Jack has had a low grade fever all week and he's been waking up at night from either gas or the fever or both. Last night was the first night he slept through. And he's been cranky and wanting to be held all the time. Poor baby. He has no other symptoms of anything going on, no congestion, no runny or stuffy nose, nothing. So I'm thinking teeth. Oh yeah, and he won't nap for more than 20 min during the day so by about 3:00 he's super cranky.

Now I don't know what is going on with me. Maybe yeast? Jack doesn't have thrush in his mouth, I keep checking but he's clear. I went to get the purple over-the-counter stuff to help with yeast and CVS sent me to People's and People's had to order it. Or maybe it's still mastitis and it will just take a while for the pain to go away. The nurse can see me again tomorrow afternoon but I don't know what good that's going to do. I guess I'll give it until Monday.

It's times like these that make me really want to stop breastfeeding. Every time he latches on it takes everything I have not to yelp and scream. One time I did it involuntarily and it scared Jack and he cried, it wasn't good. And he's so distracted while eating these days that he's constantly un-latching and looking around and then latching back on, which is awful.

Ok, I'm done with the rambling. So that's what life has been like this week. I'm hoping next week is better.

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