Wednesday, September 23, 2009

quick update

Jack has now been seizure free for one week! I'm so excited. I get to reduce his meds a tiny bit for another week and see how he does.

Next Wednesday we're going in for a follow up EEG to make sure that he really is improving.

He's not sleeping. He thinks it's time to be up anywhere between 2:30 am and 4:00 am. I haven't been this exhausted since he was a newborn. Oh wait, when he was a newborn Jonathan was here so I actually got more sleep then. So yeah, I'm beat. I'm hoping that with the reduction in the meds he'll be able to sleep a little more.

And he want to eat every 2 hours around the clock. My boobs are so sore. And I'm getting another milk blister.

But he's doing better. And he's happy again. Last week was awful. We're not really going anywhere or doing anything to avoid all the flu going around. I'm really worried about him getting it given that his immune system is being told not to work by these drugs. So yeah, we're not really doing anything but hanging at the house. At least it's only for a few months.

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