Thursday, February 2, 2012

a post about me

There are 2 parts to this post.  The first deals with girlie issues I've been having, so if you don't want to read about those skip down to the bold part that says, "90 day weight loss challenge" and start there!  You have been warned! 

For the last 8 - 9 months I have been having awful, horrible, yucky painful menstrual cycles.  I was cramping like crazy and the cramping would start 3 days before I would even start my cycle, and then I was literally taken out for 2-3 days when I did start.  Like I was taking vicodin, left over from the D&C, and was still in a great deal of pain and hardly able to function.  I knew what it was, because I've been there before and knew the only way to fix it was surgery.  Endometriosis is something I had surgery for back in 2006 and these same symptoms got much better after that. 

There are basically 3 ways to combat it.
1 - birth control.  Believe me, I don't need any extra hormones floating around in me!  I have been on birth control once in my life, for the same symptoms, when I was 19.  I took it for 2 months and said never again.  It was awful.  Really, I was serious when I said never again! 
2 - getting pregnant.  Well, I did that not long ago and am not ready to go down that road again.  A, I'm terrified of going through the same thing again, and B, I have enough going on with the first baby and I don't want to gain another once at this point and pregnancy is not the way to lose weight. 
3 - surgery.  Diagnostic Laparoscopy is the only way to know for sure that it is endometriosis and they simply lazer it off while they are in there. 

So I went with option #3.  The doctor said that this is actually pretty common after a late miscarriage.  He said that normally pregnancy and breast feeding calm down endometriosis but if you have a full trimester of pregnancy hormones and then don't get the late pregnancy hormones and the break from your period during breast feeding, it can actually make things much worse.  Yet another shitty side effect to losing a baby.

Anyways,  I went in on the 12th of January (of course Jack was up all night on the 10th puking his guts up but seemed better by Thursday even though he still wasn't eating) and let me tell you, having that surgery 6 years ago while on oxycontin was MUCH easier.  Last time I threw Jonathan a surprise birthday party the next day.  This time I was calling the dr's office for stronger pain meds the next day.  Not to mention Jack threw up again.  Jonathan was awesome and slept with Jack for several days because I think I spent the first 5 days in bed.  I couldn't sit up, was puking from either pain meds or the tummy bug Jack had, and it hurt to even move.  I'm really glad it's over with and I do not want to go through that again any time soon. 

It was a rough recovery, to say the least.  I am actually still a little sore even though it's been 3 weeks and they told me recovery was 3-5 days.  The good news is that things seem to be a bit better and the doctor said that he thinks this is the last time I will have to deal with this.  He was trying to say that I'm getting old without actually saying it. 

So, on to the next thing...

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

The gym I go to is having a 90 day weight loss challenge.  It's biggest loser style, so the person with the highest % of weight loss wins.  It's a nation wide competition and here are the prizes:

1st place in both male and female categories:
* $5,000 cash
* 1 year gym membership
* 4 day, 3 night trip for 2 to California, including air fair, hotel, and spa. 

1st place at the gym location is $250 to use on training. 

For those of you who know me, I might be slightly competitive. 

I go this Sunday to weigh in and it all ends on May 5th.  My basic goals:

1 - NO SUGAR!  None.  It's only 3 months. 
2 - No processed foods.  This one should be easier than the no sugar one as we don't eat many processed foods anyways. 
3 - No alcohol.  Okay, if I crack on any of them, this will be it.  I don't drink a ton, but I do drink wine a few evening a week.  It helps to unwind.
4 - Only 1 cup of coffee a day.  Again, this is going to be a hard one.  Especially if Jack doesn't stop waking up for the day between 3 & 5:30.
5 - I'm going to basically eat what Jack does.  Lots of protein and veggies, low carb, no gluten, etc.  I'm not thrilled with it, but it's basically how we cook here and I am unwilling to go back to making different food for everyone in this house.  So we are going to be all healthy and shit.  This does mean no cake on Jack's birthday, but I can make him a muffin and I can have one too. 

Anyways, I will let ya'll know how it goes.  I suspect the first few days are going to be tough, and I'm going to be super sore for the first few weeks, but if I power through it will get better pretty quick.   

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