Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm the biggest loser!

I won the weight loss challenge at the gym... by 7 lbs! I lost 25 lbs total and I feel a lot better. I'm below my pre-pregnancy weight and I plan on loosing more too.

Here's what I won:
1. professional photo session
2. free 4 weeks of the next 12 week team class
3. one on one grocery store tour
4. one hour massage
5. free RMR test (resting metabolic rate - measures how many calories you burn per day)
6. free lunch for 2 at the cafe

Anyways, I'm excited. It was challenging. But I stuck with it and I will continue to do so. Next is Jonathan's turn to take a class. He'll be using some of my prizes (the RMR test and the free 4 weeks) but the rest are mine. :-)

I've celebrated, had margaritas, has a piece of pie, and now I feel crappy enough that I'm ready to eat healthy again.

Here's to another 25!

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