Saturday, August 22, 2009

I guess we're not wearing him out enough

We've had a few hiccups in Jack's sleep lately. It hasn't been bad, he hasn't been up much, but there is some waking up involved.

It started about 2 weeks ago, he started rolling over in his sleep. After he rolled he would get mad and wake up screaming. For about a week I slept in the other room so that I could roll him back over quickly and so Jonathan could sleep well since he had to work. Oh, and we tried every sleep positioner out there, that only pissed him off more.

That weekend Jonathan offered to take care of him so that I could get a full night sleep. The first night went great, but not the second. After the 2nd time he needed me to calm Jack down I found them watching TV at 2:30 in the morning. After that I went back to just taking care of it myself. I don't want Jack thinking that if he wakes up in the middle of the night that he gets to watch TV. Not. Gunna. Happen!

Anyways, he finally figured out that it's okay to sleep on him tummy. However his napping has been all messed up. He was sleeping 4 or 5 times a day for about 40 min each time. Now he's only sleeping 3 times a day but for the same amount of time so he is a bear in the evenings. When his naps got all screwy he started going to bed earlier but waking up a few times early in the evening needing his binky back.

Today has been great though. We met some friends at the pool early today and I think that did the trick. After that he took 2 longer naps and went to bed promptly at 7, and I haven't heard a peep out of him. So maybe we're not doing enough. I guess it's time to kick it up a notch.

And here's a picture, because he's cute and has great hair.

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