A few days ago Jack discovered the bear that his Aunt Jennifer made for him. He loves the thing. If he sees it laying on the floor he will crawl to it as fast as he can and tackle it. Maybe he's been watching too much football?
So Aunt Jennifer, we may need another one at some point. He's a bit rough with it :-)
And you can see the new furniture and TV in the background.
And pardon the talking in the background, I was on the phone with Jonathan at the time.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I don't have time to do a big post here, I'm too tired and need to go to bed, but everything is fine.
Here is Jack seeing a dog smaller than him for the first time.
And her is Jonathan and his mom at Christmas. We just got together with his side of the family over the weekend. A good time was had by all and as always, a little silliness went down.
Here is Jack seeing a dog smaller than him for the first time.
And her is Jonathan and his mom at Christmas. We just got together with his side of the family over the weekend. A good time was had by all and as always, a little silliness went down.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Hook Em' Horns
First, I got a new camera lens for Christmas!!! I'm very excited about it as I can now take decent pictures inside our house with poor light. I love love LOVE the new lens. I'm still learning how to use it to it's fullest potential, but it's amazing.
Second, the longhorns went to the national championship game last week. I was very excited and though that it would be an excellent game. Unfortunately Colt McCoy, our star quarterback, got hurt at the very beginning of the game.
It went down hill from there. The back up quarterback was a true freshman meaning he's sitting the bench and fresh out of high school. Next year he will be considered a freshman quarterback because it's his first year of actual playing.
To make a long story short, our start quarterback didn't get to play his last game and lead his team to a national title, and the back up freshman got thrown into a situation that he totally wasn't prepared for. It was bad for both of them.
The first half wasn't good. But I must say that our defense did great. However our offense didn't move the ball at all. In the second half our offense made a big come back and our little quarterback was doing much better, but it was too little, too late. We got it to a 3 point game and I thought we had a chance but then he fumbled the ball with only 3 min left.

So yeah, it sucked and we lost. But Jack is totally cute in his outfit.

So yeah, it sucked and we lost. But Jack is totally cute in his outfit.
Friday, January 1, 2010
9 month news letter
Dear Jack,
You are now 9 months old. You are at the perfect age, I love it. You are so much fun right now. It's hysterical how you crack yourself up. And no one, at least no one that we've met so far, can resist your cuteness. And it's hysterical to see the expression on your face if someone in a store doesn't talk to you, you look at me as if to ask what is wrong with them. It cracks me up.

The beginning of this month was rough because it started out with you having seizures again. Through the magic of the internet and the iphone we managed to get the information that the doctor needed to him while he was out of town and get you into see him super quick. He started you on a new medicine that has been wonderful for you. So far you aren't having any side effects and it stopped the seizures so quickly that we're able to keep you on a super low dose.

In the mean time you are developing perfectly, which keeps me from freaking out. Over the last 2 weeks daddy has been off of work for the holidays so we've gotten to have some great family time and he's gotten to see how quickly you learn and change.

All of a sudden you are pulling up and trying to move around. You are going to be walking soon, which freaks me out a little but in a good way. You have also proven to me that I only though that the house was baby proofed. The speed at which you move and can get into things is astounding. To say that you are a full-time job is an understatement. You're abilities are quite impressive.

To add to that you had your first language burst. On Christmas day you started whispering "da da da da da". Now, only a few days after that, you started yelling "da da da da" and I even heard a "ma ma ma" and a "ba ba ba" and a few other things that I can't quite identify. But you have been quite the little chatter box this week and your favorite sound is "da da da" which of course has your dad wrapped around your little finger.

We've been doing some basic sign language with you and you've stared to do a few signs too. You do the sign for milk and the sign for more, though they look nothing like the actual sign yet, but you're getting there.

And let me tell you, you can eat. You must have hit a growth spurt because the amount of food that you can put away is impressive. And I am so thankful that you will eat just about anything, especially if it comes from my plate. Keep doing that, it will make it much easier on all of us if you don't do that picky toddler thing.

I am so glad that you have finally decided to sleep a little later. Of course now that I say that you'll probably be up at your preferred time of 5:30. And let me tell you little one, at 5:30 it's still dark outside, very dark. But over the last 5 days I've been able to nurse you around 5-ish and then you go back to sleep until 7:30 or 8. How you've been sleeping these last few days is how you were sleeping before the seizures started and I can not express how relieved I am that you are back to that now. I still hear you every time that you move and I still turn the video on the monitor on to check on you several times a night, but I suspect I'll be doing that until I know that all of this is behind us. Until then, the extra sleep is appreciated and it's so good to see you rested and full of energy.

So baby boy, you continue to amaze me. You are sweet, and funny, and perfect. I can not believe how big you are, how amazing you are, and how in love I am with you.

yours always,
You are now 9 months old. You are at the perfect age, I love it. You are so much fun right now. It's hysterical how you crack yourself up. And no one, at least no one that we've met so far, can resist your cuteness. And it's hysterical to see the expression on your face if someone in a store doesn't talk to you, you look at me as if to ask what is wrong with them. It cracks me up.

The beginning of this month was rough because it started out with you having seizures again. Through the magic of the internet and the iphone we managed to get the information that the doctor needed to him while he was out of town and get you into see him super quick. He started you on a new medicine that has been wonderful for you. So far you aren't having any side effects and it stopped the seizures so quickly that we're able to keep you on a super low dose.

In the mean time you are developing perfectly, which keeps me from freaking out. Over the last 2 weeks daddy has been off of work for the holidays so we've gotten to have some great family time and he's gotten to see how quickly you learn and change.

All of a sudden you are pulling up and trying to move around. You are going to be walking soon, which freaks me out a little but in a good way. You have also proven to me that I only though that the house was baby proofed. The speed at which you move and can get into things is astounding. To say that you are a full-time job is an understatement. You're abilities are quite impressive.

To add to that you had your first language burst. On Christmas day you started whispering "da da da da da". Now, only a few days after that, you started yelling "da da da da" and I even heard a "ma ma ma" and a "ba ba ba" and a few other things that I can't quite identify. But you have been quite the little chatter box this week and your favorite sound is "da da da" which of course has your dad wrapped around your little finger.

We've been doing some basic sign language with you and you've stared to do a few signs too. You do the sign for milk and the sign for more, though they look nothing like the actual sign yet, but you're getting there.

And let me tell you, you can eat. You must have hit a growth spurt because the amount of food that you can put away is impressive. And I am so thankful that you will eat just about anything, especially if it comes from my plate. Keep doing that, it will make it much easier on all of us if you don't do that picky toddler thing.

I am so glad that you have finally decided to sleep a little later. Of course now that I say that you'll probably be up at your preferred time of 5:30. And let me tell you little one, at 5:30 it's still dark outside, very dark. But over the last 5 days I've been able to nurse you around 5-ish and then you go back to sleep until 7:30 or 8. How you've been sleeping these last few days is how you were sleeping before the seizures started and I can not express how relieved I am that you are back to that now. I still hear you every time that you move and I still turn the video on the monitor on to check on you several times a night, but I suspect I'll be doing that until I know that all of this is behind us. Until then, the extra sleep is appreciated and it's so good to see you rested and full of energy.

So baby boy, you continue to amaze me. You are sweet, and funny, and perfect. I can not believe how big you are, how amazing you are, and how in love I am with you.

yours always,
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